Make a cozy nook for yourself in any interior

Jurga Creations
2 min readMar 12, 2021

When choosing a style for your newly bought home or renovating the existing interior to something more stylish don‘t forget — you‘ll have to live in that space, not only look at it from afar.

Minimalistic Scandinavian interiors are so popular these days.

Sure, they look great in the pictures, but how on earth would you keep that clean look after your family starts to live there?

And are you certain you‘ll feel comfortable and relaxed on those minimalistic chairs, plain square sofa, and almost empty walls?

Of course, there is a percentage of people who can keep Scandinavian minimalism as it‘s supposed to be — clean, tidy, and minimalistic.

I am not one of them.

I have far too many things that don‘t go to any storage units, not to mention all the easels and stacks of pictures in every corner.

Of course, if I‘d be living in a bigger space or had a study for myself (oh my, how I‘d like that), that probably wouldn‘t be such a big problem.

But anyway, the idea of living in a constantly minimalistic interior scares me.

I like coziness in my home more than anything. It makes me feel safe, I can then relax there and forget the outside world.

The opposite of Scandinavian minimalism is probably the American country-style interior.

Not a fan of those either.

I am not an expert here, but from what I have seen everything seems to be very big in those interiors — from enormous leather sofas and huge lamps to fireplaces that occupy almost all the wall.

How do you even choose a nook to read a book or something when everything is designed for giants?

In my opinion, in any interior, there should be a cozy nook for yourself, where you could read, or drink coffee, or even take a nap (a luxury, I know, but some people without small kids can do that).

And it is possible to incorporate it into any style, you just have to be open to unusual possibilities.

For instance, if the interior is Scandinavian — you could make an almost closed swings-nest from the ceiling, it will not look messy and you could hide from all the shiny minimalism sometimes.

Or, if the furniture is huge and you feel small and out of place in the big airy spaces, you could make a canopy in a corner with a bunch of through pillows. I am sure there can be a solution for any space and any interior style.

The main thing about cozy nooks — they have to look cozy for you, not for an interior designer or your friends and relatives.

So choose materials, colors, and textures that will make you happy every time you see or touch them.



Jurga Creations

I am a graphic artist from Lithuania. My growing interest in Baltic mythology and fairy-tales, caused me to create a series of mythology based art works